The teamE4E Blog

Weight Loss, Sports Psychology, Body Image John Harris Weight Loss, Sports Psychology, Body Image John Harris

I Have Met the Enemy, and He is Me

The bottom line is that “fat shaming” does not work and more often than not has the reverse effect. Personally, someone calling me fat or telling me I am unhealthy is not going to be any worse than what I tell myself each morning as I look in the mirror. As I got fatter and fatter it wasn’t until I looked at myself on May 10, 2010 and was finally disgusted to the point of making a change that mattered. Not anyone telling me I was fat.

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Understanding the Psychological and Health Impacts of Fat Shaming

Fat shaming leads to serious psychological and health consequences, affecting self-esteem, mental well-being, and physical health. From depression and anxiety to unhealthy eating behaviors and chronic diseases, the impacts are profound and interconnected. Understanding these effects is crucial for fostering empathy and promoting healthy, judgment-free lifestyles.

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